Sunday, July 15, 2012


Visiting back home in WV brings back many old, fond memories. Many a cold and snowy winter mornings we waited in a bakery where they made the best Italian bread and peperoni rolls. It was heaven, a real sensual feast.

But past memories don't always jive with present reality. It seems that rural peacefulness has collided with urban reality. Last week there was a murder on the corner near my recollection. A drug deal gone bad. It seems that METH LABS have sprung up everywhere.

Town folks are complaining homeowners have all moved out and once that where single family residences have been turned into multi-unit rental complexes. The sense of ownership in the community has gone. Sound familiar? You know it has been said, "You can't go home again", but home can come to you.

The answer in CLARKSBURG, WV is the same as in LYNN, MA. We are all LANDLORDS OF OURSELVES, take ownership.

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